Paul Green

Sanit SA

Mobile no: 73 672 5476

The SANiT S.A. Mission:
Our mission is to manufacture and supply personal hygiene products which meet the highest quality and efficiency standards, so that when the need arises to make use of public toilet and washroom facilities we, the public, can do so with the surety and confidence that we can sanitize all surfaces, which we come into contact with, and ourselves after being in contact with these surfaces. 

The SANiT S.A. Vision: 
Our vision is to develop a range of personal hygiene products which cater for the needs of all groups of people who, while “on the go”, have to make use of public toilet and washroom facilities. SANiT S.A. also intend to partner with other international production facilities so as to ensure that our high quality personal hygiene products can be made available to all international travelers and public toilet and washroom facility users. 

The SANiT S.A. Values: 
Having attached great value to personal hygiene we will continue with our ongoing and extensive market research and testing of products with similar claims to the  SANiT S.A. range of personal hygiene products. This ongoing research has highlighted the lack of sanitizing products that meet the quality requirements of us, the public. We at  SANiT S.A. realize and appreciate that we will only be able to secure and retain a loyal client base if we manufacture and supply the highest quality products that modern technology has made available. The  SANiT S.A. commitment is to relentlessly research the field of toilet and washroom hygiene which will ensure that we can continue to make the very best products available to our clients.