TLC does incredible work in our community, working with, and making a difference, to over 300 informal settlement kids on a weekly basis. We are really chuffed that WCN supports TLC and hopefully, through the varied talents & skills of all our members, that WCN...
What causes metal to rust? You might not remember, but this is something they teach in primary school science. When an iron-based metal comes in contact with oxygen and water, oxidation occurs. Oxidation is the liberation of electrons from the metal. Iron thus becomes...
When I am approached by a client, I know they are going to ask ” Can you build me a website?” or “Can you design me a website?”. My usual response is yes to both because: YES I CAN. and because not everyone is aware that there is a...
At the end of each year ,the members of the West Coast Network get together one final time for an Awards Breakfast. The awards breakfast is all about celebrating the year and to vote for, and award, our Networker of the Year ( NOTY). The Networker of the Year award...
We all know Coca Cola, BMW, Virgin Active, Mrs Ball’s Chutney, Mac Donalds and countless other brands and yet we struggle to realize the importance of ‘branding’ our businesses, so that every time someone thinks of a particular product or service we offer, they will...
Four Seasons Roof Windows introduces a revolutionary new product that introduces natural light into the darker areas of your home or office. It is not quite a ‘roof window’ but rather an alternative to the use of a conventional electric light in the day. We all have...